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Better Financial Management Tools
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arrow Account Reconciliation
arrow Job Cost Module
Simplify Sales and Focus on Customer Relationships
arrow Credit Card/Debit Card Processing
arrow Quote History
arrow Customer Purchase Lookup
More Flexible Business Processes
arrow Enable/Disable User-Defined Earnings Codes
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arrow Assembly Component Management

Enable/Disable User-Defined Earnings Codes

Simplify bonus payouts, sales commission payments, and other non-regular payments to employees with the ability to enable and disable user-defined earnings codes. DacEasy 2010 allows you to create user-defined earnings codes and enable or disable them for individual payroll runs making non-regular payments to employees easy.

This feature applies to DacEasy modules:

arrow Payroll


*The data created with the Job Manager module in DacEasy v12 and earlier cannot be converted for use with this new feature.